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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Josefus - Get Off My Case (1969)

Josefus - Get Off My Case (1969)

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Josefus was an American rock band from Houston, Texas, United States, who have been credited as "one of the first models for the blunt sound of Texas hard rock and heavy metal." They were also mentioned in an article in Classic Rock titled "The Lost Pioneers of Heavy Metal".

Band members Dave Mitchell and Ray Turner originally played together in a band in high school called Rip West. Along with Doug Tull, the two recorded a demo titled "I Love You." The group changed its name to Josefus when vocalist Pete Bailey joined the band. Phillip White, the band's second lead guitarist, left the band in 1969.

Josefus Discography Full

Get Off My Case (1969)
Dead Man (1970)
Josefus (1970)
Son of Dead Man (1990)
Dead Man Alive (2002)
Halloween 2004 Live (2005)

Compilation albums
Dead Man/Get Off My Case (1999)
Dead Box (2003)

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