Monday, November 1, 2021

Kino - Untitled album (Chyorny albom) (1990)

Kino - Untitled album (Chyorny albom) (1990)

Tracklist front / back album covers

"Кончится лето" (Summer is Ending) – 5:55

"Красно-жёлтые дни" (Reddish-Yellow Days) – 5:49

"Нам с тобой" ((For) You and Me) – 4:49

"Звезда" (Star) – 4:29

"Кукушка" (Cuckoo) – 6:39

"Когда твоя девушка больна" (When Your Girlfriend is Ill) – 4:20

"Муравейник" (Anthill) – 5:17

"Следи за собой" (Watch Yourself) – 4:59

"Сосны на морском берегу" (Pines at the Sea Shore) – 5:16

"Завтра война" (War Tomorrow) – 0:35

Tracks 9 and 10 were added to the 1998 remaster by Moroz. As stated above, the tracks did not have names until 1994, so fans made up their own names for these songs

Kino Band Members / Musicians

Viktor Tsoi (Виктор Цой) – Vocals, Guitar

Yuri Kasparyan (Юрий Каспарян) – Lead Guitar

Igor Tikhomirov (Игорь Тихомиров) – Bass Guitar

Georgy Guryanov (Георгий Гурьянов) – Drum Machine

The unnamed album (known colloquially as Black Album (Russian: Чёрный альбом, romanized: Chorny albom), and sometimes just named Kino) is the 8th and final studio album of the Soviet rock group Kino. It was released in December 1990 by Metadigital on vinyl. The rough demo version was recorded in the Latvian village Plieņciems shortly before the death of the frontman Viktor Tsoi in a car crash. The remaining members of Kino completed the album as a tribute to Tsoi.

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