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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Böhse Onkelz - Viva los tioz (1998)

Böhse Onkelz - Viva los tioz (1998)

Tracklist front / back album covers

"Matapalo - Parte uno"

"Viva los Tioz" (Long Live the Unclez)

"Leere Worte" (Empty Words)

"Weit weg" (Far Away)

"Das Geheimnis meiner Kraft" (The Secret of My Strength)

"Scheisse passiert" (Shit Happens)

"Terpentin" (Turpentine)

"Ohne mich" (Without Me)

"Der Platz neben mir - Part 1+2" (The Place Next to Me)

"Der Preis des Lebens" (The Price of Life)

"Bin ich nur glücklich, wenn es schmerzt?" (Am I Only Happy When It Hurts)

"Wenn du wirklich willst" (If You Really Want)

"Matapalo - Parte dos"

Viva los tioz (Spanish for Long Live the Unclez) is the 13th album by German rock band Böhse Onkelz. It was released in 1998 and within 48 hours reached number one in the Media Control Charts.

Covers Rar / Zip File / Classic Rock Covers Database

Covers Rar / Zip File / Classic Rock Covers Database

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