Ultraje a Rigor - Crescendo (1989)
Tracklist front / back album covers
"Crescendo" ("Growing Up")
"Filha da Puta" ("Son of a Bitch")
"Volta Comigo" ("Get Back with Me")
"Laços de Família" ("Family Bonds")
"Secretários Eletrônicos" ("Answering Machines")
"Maquininha" ("Little Machines")
"Ricota" ("Ricotta")
"A Constituinte" ("The Constituent")
"Crescendo II - A Missão" ("Growing Up II - The Mission")
"Ice Bucket"
"Coragem" ("Courage")
"Os cães ladram (mas não mordem) e a caravana passa" ("Dogs bark (but don't bite) and the caravan goes on")
"Querida Mamãe" ("Dear Mom")
"O Chiclete" ("The Bubblegum")
Crescendo is the 3rd album by the Brazilian rock band Ultraje a Rigor, released in 1990.